Features of realization of "de-occupation legislation" of Ukraine in conditions of the operation of the united forces
The aim of the study is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the theoretical and legal, legislative and normative aspects of the effectiveness of legal mechanisms (material and procedural) for implementing the framework Law of Ukraine «On the peculiarities of state policy on ensuring the state sovereignty of Ukraine in temporarily occupied territories in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts» (hereinafter – the Law) and «de-occupation laws» of Ukraine (separate acts of legislation in the field of security and defense), connected with the process of implementation of the "special" normative-law the provisions of the Law in the military-defense and civil-military sphere of social relations in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine; development of theoretical and applied tools and methods of substantiation of ways of its improvement.
Achievement of the set goal involves solving the following tasks:
to establish the relevance of scientific research for the Armed Forces of Ukraine which, in the context of mortal danger, for the first time in its modern history as a sovereign and independent, democratic state is involved under the Law for the maintenance of national security and defense, repression and deterrence of armed aggression of the Russian Federation in the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts;
to determine the state of development of scientific researches on the theoretical, legal, departmental normative features of the legal mechanism for implementation of the requirements of the "de-occupation legislation" of Ukraine in the conditions of the operation of the united forces;
to carry out an analysis of the methods (rules, means) of the legislative technique, the basic normative part and the complex material-procedural mechanism of implementation of the Law at the presidential, governmental, military-departmental levels of government;
to establish the state of efficiency of the rule-making block in the process of implementing the Law in conditions of operation of the united forces in the aspect of the activity of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, one year after its adoption;
outline the ways of improving the mechanism of implementation of the «occupation legislation» of Ukraine in the context of the operation of the combined forces.
Methods of research are a complex combination of philosophical, general scientific and special methods. The system method allowed to analyze the components of the rule-making block, the system of acts in the field of security and defense in the process of implementation of the Law. The formal logical method has established material procedures, structure, components of legal mechanisms of implementation, collisions and gaps. The analysis and synthesis method defines the components of the implementation process, identifies the problems, formulates the conclusions and suggestions.
It is revealed that the initial legislative-normative block contains separate destructive legal constructions that are capable of deforming the sub-law (military-departmental) level of the process of realization of the military legislation of Ukraine in the conditions of the operation of the combined forces. The ways of neutralization of destructive (formal, duplicate, declarative, collisional) legal constructions are proposed in order to optimize the effective, military-force and organizational-legal mechanism of the return of temporarily occupied territories in the East of Ukraine.
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