Analysis of factors of external and internal influence on the efficiency of the functioning of the internal control system

  • Kostyantyn Kustrich Main Inspection of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
  • Anatolii Loishyn The National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi
Keywords: effectiveness of control, internal control, influence factors, risk management


The article is of interest to internal control specialists who carry out their activities, both within the system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as in other bodies of state power, institutions and organizations of any form of ownership. Also, the results of the study will be useful to the audit team as a service that is directly involved in the process of assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of the internal control system. In the article, through review of normative legal documents, an analysis of the formation and functioning of the internal control system, both in the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as in the state as a whole, was conducted. The place and role of internal control in the general system of state internal financial control, in addition to the internal audit and the harmonization unit within the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, have been established. The role of the main international standards of state internal control in the development of state internal financial control in Ukraine is determined. It is formulated that the system of internal control in the process of its functioning, like any other system, is exposed both by external and internal factors. The list of existing factors influencing the functioning of the internal control system through analysis in three directions is determined: analysis of the guidelines and the main international standards governing the functioning of the internal control system, the analysis of scientific articles, scientific works in the relevant field, interviewing with specialists of internal control of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine. The above made it possible to distinguish external and internal factors in the context of the problems of this article. Internal and external factors have been investigated in the context of managed and unmanaged factors. The results of this research are the starting point for solving the scientific task of substantiating the scientific and methodical apparatus for assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of the internal control system in the system of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine.


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Author Biographies

Kostyantyn Kustrich, Main Inspection of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine

Chief inspector of organization of internal control

Anatolii Loishyn, The National Defense University of Ukraine named after Ivan Cherniakhovskyi

Post-graduate student


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How to Cite
Kustrich, K., & Loishyn, A. (2019). Analysis of factors of external and internal influence on the efficiency of the functioning of the internal control system. Social Development and Security, 9(2), 37-56.