e-ISSN 2522-9842

DOI prefix: 10.33445

Publisher: "Ukrainian Scientific Community" NGO.

Published from the year 2017

Frequency: bimonthly (February, April, June, August, October, December).

Manuscript languages: Ukrainian, English  (mixed languages).

Aims and scope: The journal main purpose is to disseminate information about the results of scientific research that contains innovative ideas on issues of national security (in separate spheres of provision and types of activities), provision of troops (forces), weapons, and military equipment, economy, finance, banking affairs and insurance, system analysis, cyber security, materials science, civil security, as well as problems of internal audit and internal control, problems of legislative and legal provision of state security, philosophical aspects of the development and functioning of the security and defense forces of the state.

Chief Editor: Prof., Dr. of Sciences, Volodymyr MIRNENKO.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief: Prof., Dr. of Sciences, Ivan TKACH.

The editorial board includes prominent domestic and foreign scholars consisting of 29 doctors of sciences.

The editorial board includes foreign scholars from the USA, Poland, Canada, Portugal, the Czech Republic, and the Slovak Republic.

Editorial policies and peer review are based on relevant and professional standards:

Peer review is a transparent, independent, and professional editorial process (Double-blind peer review model with at least 2 external reviewers) based on:

Journal Policies based on high ethical and professional standards. See more Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement (Ethical obligations of the Journals’ Editorial Board, Ethical obligations of authors, Ethical obligations of reviewers).

Instructions for authors

License terms: The journal is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International CC-BY license.

Open access policy: This Journal provides full immediate open access upon publication. Full-text access to scientific articles in the journal is presented on the official website in the archives.

Authors charge

Adherence to declarations and statements:

Archiving: The journal's repository is stored and presented in the portal "Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine" by the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine. This Journal's digital archive is permanently preserved by LOCKSS.

Journal listed/indexed by CrossRef, Google Scholar

The mailing address of the editorial office: 10, apartment, 1, building 3, Rososhanska St., 02093, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Executive Editor: Dr., Mykola Tkach, Ph.D., Anatoly Loishyn

Email: tkachivan9@gmail.com, tim68@ukr.net, nyck1985@ukr.netPhone: +38(093)-75-28-156