Analysis of the development of the theory of military science of logistic support of troops (forces) during the german-soviet war
The article summarizes the arguments and counterarguments in a scientific discussion on the issue of improving and choosing effective directions for reforming the system of resource support for the security and defense sector of Ukraine. The main purpose of the study is to analyze the provisions of military theory in the direction of the functioning of the military rear on the eve and during the German-Soviet War to develop general provisions for the transformation of military science in the field of resource support. On the basis of the systematization of literary sources and approaches to solving the research problem, it was determined that the experience of building and functioning of the military rear on the eve and during the German-Soviet War can be won in the process of transforming the resource support system. The urgency of solving this scientific problem lies in the fact that in the event of a transition to a comprehensive (total) defense in Ukraine, it will be necessary to apply effective mechanisms of resource support for defense needs. The development of the theory of military science in the direction of logistical support of troops (forces) during the Great Patriotic War is studied in the article in the following logical sequence: the main indicators of the functioning of the logistic support system during the German-Soviet War are analyzed, key organizational changes in the structure of the military rear are identified, the development of military science in the direction of logistical support of troops (forces) on the eve of the German-Soviet War, at the first and final stages. Methods of analysis and synthesis became the methodological tools of the research carried out; 1918 – 1945 was chosen as the research period. The results of the study can be useful for scientists and managers involved in resource support for defense needs.
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